Please join us for When Bad Things Happen to Good Participants – Death, Probate, Collections, Bankruptcy, presented by Elizabeth Van Clief and Paul Woodard.
An overview of the law, new topics, and practice tips for dealing with retirement benefits when a participant is affected by death, debt collectors, and bankruptcy. This presentation is intended to provide attendees with the legal framework for these crossover areas of law.
Please note our new meeting location at Pillsbury, 11682 El Camino Real, Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92130-2092. Parking is free! Doors open at 11:30 a.m. for registration and networking, and the presentation will run from noon to approximately 1:00 p.m.
The reservation deadline for the meeting is Friday, January 17th.
Please feel free to reach out to WP&BC with any questions.
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Direct Questions To:Lori Mason, Chapter Administrator Phone: 619-405-3874
Address: San Diego Chapter PO Box 600302 San Diego, CA 92160-0302